Pip Is A Human

She's jealous. Maybe this is what Pip looks like when she's a human. Maybe I think the girl from the Grow Tomatoes in Six Steps book from Kids A-Z's name with the white sleeves with a yellow and black polka dotted clothes with a black pigtails with red hair accessories blue jeans and red sneakers and a pet orange kitten name is Pip. Because Pip has a black ponytail red hair accessories. And she has yellow monster fur. She has white wings with black polka dots on it that look like ladybug wings but their white. She also has black antennas on her head. She also has a pet orange kitten, too. The girl from the Grow Tomatoes in Six Steps is a human and Pip is a monster. The girl from the Grow Tomatoes in Six Steps book from Kids A-Z's species is a human. Pip's species is probably an insect or a monster girl because she looks like one with the white ladybug wings with black polka dots and black antennas on her head. The girl from the Grow Tomatoes in Six Steps book from Kids A-Z has clothes because she's a human. But Pip doesn't have any clothes because she's a monster. But she does have a pet orange kitten. This voice was also used and recorded by Amy Rose from Sonic the Hedgehog. I had to use Amy Rose's voice from Sonic the Hedgehog because I can't think of any voice that can sound like Pip's voice. So I decided to use Amy Rose's voice from Sonic the Hedgehog. This voice does not have any swear words, hateful or abusive content, crude humor, sexual content, horror or fear themes, or anything like that. This voice is absolutely safe for everyone, absolutely safe. Pip belongs to Kids A-Z, and not me.

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