8mm Movie Camera Wind-Up & Shutter Timer

Originally created by kalbright3275 with Audacity, performed through the courtesies of Land-'O'-Lakes Sports Club (beta/lite version) and Public Lairside Insurance Group, Inc., headquartered in Hempstead, New York. A single setup adjustment with a "wind-it-up" dial on a miniature 8mm movie camera, releasing the shutter timer as the dial cranks back before taking the picture. (What a classical start on photography!)

पसंदीदा 10 उपयोक्ता इस साउंड बटन को पसंद किया
द्वारा डाली गई Walterbury - 599 दृश्य
मेरे साउंडबोर्ड आइकन में जोड़ेंमेरे साउंडबोर्ड में जोड़ें रिपोर्ट आइकनप्रतिवेदन डाउनलोड आइकनएमपी 3 अधःभारण